Monday, April 12, 2010

Americans also divided over women reservation

New Delhi, Mar 10 (UNI) Only Indians are not divided in their opinion about
the Women Reservation Bill, a bunch of students from University of Texas
made it felt that such issues also stir the bases in America while some
finds it “demeaning” and “disservice” to woman, others contradict.

A delegation of 30 MBA students from University of Texas in Austin is in
India on a study tour during a interaction with mediapersons expressed their
varied views on the women reservation.

When the students were asked how they look at the Women Reservation Bill,
the question brought out a ‘warfare of ideas’ among the students itself..

“For me it would be a tremendous success to actually have more
representation of women in the government. The reason behind this is that
the woman brings lot of different perspective which man may not be able to
bring on the table,” a Texas University student from Columbia Monica said.

Ms Monica was immediately confronted by a second year student at Texas
University, Catherine, asserted that women of her generation in always
believe that they do not deserve any special treatment just because they are

“For me to stipulate a certain number of parliament members have to be women
is actually, in some ways, a disservice to women,” she said.

“I find it demeaning because I don need help. I can do it on my own
regardless of what my genetic make up is,” she added.

“Hilary Clinton, who ran for the presidency, is a realy interesting
demonstration of that because she belongs to that part of generation which
realy did not have a fare share,” Ms Catherine explained.

However, another student, Danialle, contradicted her and said, “I have to
respectfully regret what you have just said because you are a woman but you
are a western women and the history behind the role the Indian women played
over the year is very different.’’

“Though I feel it will help India in next 20-25 years but certainly I think
it’s a step in right direction,” she added.

Danialle also joined the corus which demanding more than one-third
reservation and said, ‘’It will not be enough.”

“There are so many young girls in this country who needs representation and
role model at a very high political level and this is where it get to start
and it is a great idea,’’ she said.

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